Friday Night is Game Night

by Kelly
(Milan, IN, USA)

Every Friday night at my house is we have a Family Game Night.

The kids love it because they get to play their games and be competitive, and we (the parents) love it because we get to spend some really nice quality time with the kids.

Some nights we play Monopoly, but usually they get bored with it or it takes too long and they will give up.

Lately though, we have been playing Life Twists and Turns.

This is probably their favorite game to play because it uses a ‘credit card’ (it’s a plastic card that calculates how much money and points you have), and it makes them feel more adult-like.

Plus, it’s a lot easier because they don’t have to count out any money.

At the end of the game the calculator that you stick your card into will tell you who won without us trying to figure it out on our own.

It’s a really fun game that everyone can enjoy.

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