Free Online Games for Kids to Keep Them Happy

by Sonica
(New Delhi, India.)

I normally would buy various types of educational games for my son to keep him occupied and happy.

When he was in kindergarten, I started off with the beginners’ games which taught him simple numbers and counting.

There were various other activities like matching objects, nursery rhymes, fixing the right shape at the right place, coloring etc.

He started getting bored with these games and so we located a perfect site which allows its members to play games online.

My son became a member by just selecting a nickname and the best part was that membership was totally free.

This site has kids from different countries playing games with one another, and over a period of time they get familiar and start sending messages on this site.

There are various contests and competitions and children accumulate points and money which can be used to avail some service on this site.

Games available on this site are simple and involve a race with other participants.

My son loves this site and logs on regularly to play games online and I have had to fix his timings to limit him.

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