First Day of Hawaii Vacation

by Bryant Kiley
(Kirksville, MO, United States)

Last summer, me and my family decided to take a trip to Maui, Hawaii with some relatives.

Everything was going perfect, it was like a dream vacation, it was warm, breezy, but most of all sunny.

Towards the middle of the day we all decided it would be great to go to the beach.

We were out there for sometime, maybe an hour or two.

By the time we were done I had a sunburn so bad that it was almost purple.

Personally I burn easily, however this was the worst burn that I had ever had.

I used the best sunscreen and everything, however I should have known better and used it a couple more times while we were there.

Afterwards we bought some sort of aloe, it was in a clear plastic bottle and the lotion stuff was green, it had a yellow label and the title was yellow-something.

I can't remember but it was a life-saver. It helped me get through the rest of the vacation.

Sun Allergy

Human Skin

UV Index

UV Rays

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