Filling in the Board Shorts

by Christopher

I remember a time when cut-off jeans were considered valid short options. How times have changed.

My first experience with board shorts came when I was graduated from college and living with a couple buddies of mine.

At the time, I wore regular swim trunks you bought at the local retail store. The ones with the built in mesh white underwear and draw string that seemed to never end.

One day, my buddies decided to invite me to the beach, where I decided to break out my swim trunks.

Upon immediately putting them on, one of them chastened me because I was even wearing them.

“What in the (expletive) are those?”

I replied,

“What do you mean? These are my shorts.”

“No those aren’t, here, let me get you some board shorts,” my buddy replied.

As I began to put on the board shorts I wondered if I should wear boxers or not.

The daredevil that I am, I decided to leave the boxes in my top drawer and go commando.

Little did I know, commando was the way you were supposed to wear board shorts.

Since that very day, now married and with children, I look for sales of board shorts for my boys and myself.

Saving them the embarrassment of cut off jeans will be stories I’ll be able to tell them when their older.

For now, that secret lays rest with my buddies and me.

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