Favorite Activity

by Kelly Borntrager
(Milan, IN, USA)

I’ve always loved to scrapbook ever since I was in High School.

One day when I was sitting at our kitchen table, my daughter came over and just stood there for about five minutes.

I saw that she was curious about what I was doing, and she would make comments about how beautiful the pages were looking.

I finally asked her if she wanted to help me with some of the pages.

She sat down next to me with some paper, markers, pictures, and stickers and made her own scrapbook page.

She did an excellent job and was so proud of herself when she had finished.

Now it’s an activity that we do together that allows us to have a little ‘Mommy and Me time’.

She just asked me recently if I would buy her some scrapbook supplies for her birthday!

So I guess one of my favorite activities kind of rubbed off onto her.

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