Do Not Make the Same Mistake I Did

by Monica

Some girlfriends and I had traveled to the ocean for a quick two-day relaxation weekend.

Because our time there was so limited, I wanted to maximize my "time in the sun" so I may have skimped a little on the best sunscreen.

Fast forward to the next day, we were driving home when I realized I was really, really dealing with a bad case of sunburn.

It hurt me to even sit in the car. My lips were so dry, I was putting on chapstick every couple minutes and they stung so bad. I knew I had really overdone it!

I had to go into work the evening that we returned home.

At that time I was working at a bread factory where the temperatures reached over one hundred degrees.

I was in the factory when I started to overheat and I literally started to feel like I was floating above my body.

That last thing I remember was saying something about my "mommy" and then I must have blacked out.

The next thing I remember, I was in the break area with wet paper towels on my neck.

What did I learn from this experience?

Definitely limit my time in the sun, keep cool and always use organic sunscreen!

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