Dealing with Skin Cancer

by Vennessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)

I am all too familiar with the affects of skin cancer and the dangers that go along with it.

I have a grandfather who is always needing to go to the doctor to have minor skin cancer spots removed and can no longer wear short sleeve shirts or go without a hat out doors.

No one really thinks about Skin Cancer when they are young and my grandfather was no different.

He would love to go out to fish or work on the trains at work without sun block or sleeves to protect him.

He never imagined that he would have to deal with the consequences later in life.

Now he must go every so often to have the skin cancer burned off and check to see if the cancer has not gone into his body.

That is one thing most people don't realize is that skin cancer can go beneath your skin and progress into a more dangerous kind.

Not to mention the unsightly black spots it leaves until you get them burnt off of you, then you deal with having scaring from the burning.

I suppose you lose either way you look at it, my advice is to just take good care of yourself while you are young.

Don't be arrogant and think it would never happen to you because believe me it can and most likely will if you don't take steps to prevent it.

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How to Prevent Skin Cancer

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