Crocheted Bathing Suits Make Weird Tan Lines!

by Isabella

At a vintage clothing shop I was so excited to find a one piece mono-kini type bathing suit.

It was mainly a bikini but the top and the bottom were crocheted together making an intricate lacey pattern across the stomach area.

It was a gorgeous pattern and I was very excited to wear it because it was so retro and so glam.

I got so many compliments on it, I felt like the prettiest girl on the beach that day.

But when I got home and took it off I found that, not only I had a sunburn, I had all sorts of crazy tan lines running across my tummy!

So my advice to you is that if you find one of these great vintage swimming suits, wear it at your own risk!

Also, be sure to put on tons of biodegradable sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun while wearing it.

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