Creative Uses for Plastic Bowling Pins

by E.R.
(Maryland, USA)

When my younger son was a year old, we bought him a set of plastic bowling pins.

It came with two bowling balls and everything attached to a little carrying tray to make it easier to carry.

Now he is 5 and plays with it more now that ever. He invented a game of hockey that is a version of air or table hockey, but without the table.

Each person takes a pin and bats one of the bowling balls back and forth across the floor.

You can set up goals if you like, or just see how many times you can hit it back and forth without missing.

It's amazing how much fun both of my kids have playing this game. It's simple and creative, and lets them play together.

We have also tried to juggle the pins, but this game has been a little less successful than the hockey game.

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