Computer Games

by Ino
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)

What can I say about it. Well, computer games are something special. Kids love it so much or should I say everyone loves it.

I think that if computer games didn't exist, it wouldn't be the same as it is now.

I am myself addicted to it. When kids play computer games they are very calm and peaceful since the game just takes them over.

There are many positive things about computer games. When you are playing online, you can meet some friends in other parts of the world or you can even learn a lot from the game that you're playing.

I'll give you an example, if you play lets say "world of warcraft" or "tibia" you can learn English there or some other language, because I know a lot of kids who learned English just over one week.

It is amazing how computer games can have plenty of positive effects on kids.

I heard over TV that when you play computer games your brain is developing much faster and you are becoming much smarter.

I believe in that too.

Maybe you'll ask your self why I didn't mention any negative things about computer games?

It is because I don't know any of them.

There are some people that say computer games are bad for us, but that is only because they never experienced that amazing feeling when you play.

Computer games for me are the best thing that is invented in this world and all I can say is that "KIDS, JUST PLAY THE GAME"!!!

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