Completely Preventable

by Jeek
(Washignton, IL, USA )

As someone who worked several first aid stations for several different camps I can tell you that heat exhaustion is one of the most easily preventable heat related medical conditions.

It is also the quickest route to destroying what could have been an enjoyable warm summer day.

The best thing you can do to prevent heat exhaustion is to stay extremely hydrated.

Drink and drink some more water as you go through the day.

If you suffer from heat exhaustion you will be, as the name suggests, completely exhausted.

You will require some nourishment of both food and water coupled with several hours of sleep in order to recover.

I always told the campers it was better to have to go to the bathroom several times a day than it was to sleep for several hours in the medical lodge.

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Jun 27, 2011
I disagree with this advice
by: Anonymous

Heat exhaustion can occur without being dehydrated. I had heat exhaustion once, & I had been very hydrated, drinking 8 cups of water in a 5 hour period & peeing frequently. The best way to avoid it is to stay out of the heat.

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