Careful With Driving Gloves

by Matthew

Driving gloves can be very tricky and might let at least one of your hands slip if you let them.

There are some misconceptions of the level of grip which they are able to provide when you are behind the wheel.

But that is not necessarily the outcome when you are behind the wheel. It also depends on which brand you buy.

The gloves can be slippery as one time when I had to make a sharp turn because of a bad driver.

I was unable to make the turn hard enough because my hands slipped and the car still hit me.

I was okay at the end of day, but still if I would have had nice grip, I would not have to wait for my car to get fixed.

At the same time, I was able to dodge any cuts or scratches that are on my face and my hands.

I guess if you want to protect them from the sun as well as scratches, then that is all you will need them for.

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