Burn Baby Burn
by Yvonne
A group of friends and I went to the Bahamas for Spring Break back when we were young and ignorant.
At the time, baby oil was the preferred tanning tool. We would lather ourselves up with the pure oil and literally fry our skin in the sun.
By nighttime we were bright red but proud of our newfound tans. When our burn went away, we would do it all over again.
Fortunately, for me, the burn only lasted about a day. One of my friends was not so lucky.
In fact, the burn was so bad he ended up in the hospital emergency room of the local hospital.
He had second degree burns and spent the remainder of Spring Break in his hotel room lathered up with Silvadene, a burn cream.
The rest of us continued our daily trek to the beach, baby oil in hand. For any
sunburn that lasted longer than a day, I would use Aloe.
Years later, I now wonder how much skin damage was done and would be surprised if I didn’t end up with
skin cancer melanoma some day.
Sun AllergyHuman SkinUV IndexUV Rays