Bleeding Skin Due to Sun Exposure

by Jame

I have a general acquaintance that I ride the public transit bus with who is allergic to the sun.

I told her about an instance where I got the worst sunburn in my life to date, and she explained that she cannot get sunburns due to her sun allergy.

Rather than burning, she told me that the capillaries in her skin begin to bleed. I didn’t know that this was possible, for normal sun exposure to cause a person to actually bleed.

It is a known symptom, however, to get rashes and painful hives during exposure to sunlight for those with such allergies.

This was the case in another girl I knew when I attended elementary school, who had very bad ache and facial rashes from the even slightest exposure to the sun.

The rarer, more painful sun allergy Solar Urticaria apparently most often effects young women.

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