Bifocal Sunglasses

Sun Protection is a fact of life™

In the changing times, bifocal sunglasses have helped people to protect their eyes without compromising on the clarity of their vision.

The increasing pollution has led to ozone depletion all across the world. As a result, UV rays have become an increasing menace now as more and more people are developing newer and more complicated problems due to the exposure.

Earlier, people who had problems like presbyopia or nearsightedness could not think of buying sunglasses despite the harmful effects of the UV rays.

What are they?

Bifocal sunglasses as the word suggests are sunglasses that come equipped with bifocal lenses. These are particularly helpful for the elderly and people with nearsightedness, presbyopia or myopia issues.

bifocal sunglasses

Besides vision correction, these sunglasses ensure eye protection as well. Now days, there are different kinds of bifocal sunglasses available depending on the activity you need to use them for. These include sunglasses for sports, reading and HD sunglasses...

Reading glasses in the sun?

If you are one of those who love spending time out in the sun and indulging in activities like reading, these are the right kind of glasses for you.

These can help in effectively blocking out all kinds of radiation like UV rays and other harmful rays from reaching your eyes. Moreover, the make of these sunglasses is such that, you don't feel that you are actually reading through your sunglasses.

Whether it is lending more clarity or magnifying the words, these sunglasses definitely help you to enhance the quality of your reading.

Crafting in the sun?

Another category in these kinds of sunglasses is the HD sunglasses that are equipped with bifocal lenses. These are particularly effective for these who need to see clearer and larger in the sun.

These glasses are more suited for people doing intricate or craft work in sunshine. They help in focusing on more detail and color besides blocking out the UV rays.

Words become bigger, better and more prominent. They can be used for reading near the pool or the beach where the concentration of the UV rays is the highest.

Style factor

These sunglasses are not only practical but stylish as well. They make you look cool without compromising on your vision or clarity.

Contact lenses may be an option but some times extended wear can cause certain eye issues. Moreover, they don't suit some people. Hence, bifocals are a great way to abreast in the fashion world and care for your eyes too.

Outdoors in the sun?

Last but not the least, you have bifocal sunglasses that are especially made for all kinds of sports such as tennis, rock climbing, golfing, fishing and surfing.

These help sports people to enhance their sight and performance. They help them to focus on the details and block out the harmful radiations. All these different types of sunglasses are suited to their own particular activity.

In other words, trying to use sunglasses made for sports for reading purposes may cause a problem. Thanks to these sunglasses, presbyopia or other such eye problem need not be a hindrance for you to fulfill your dreams.

Most of these bifocal sunglasses have polarized lenses that allow them to filter out all the harmful radiation.

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