Benefit Concert

by J. Callahan
(Camarillo, CA, USA)

I grew up in sunny southern California. As kids we would ride our bikes to the beach almost everyday.

No sunscreen in those days. I can remember some days we would go to the pool instead of the beach.

The popular suntan lotion was Ban De Soliel. Some of us would use baby oil instead. Thinking about it I can feel sun cooking my skin.

Well, years later a friend of mine John contracted Skin Cancer.

John is a free spirit. He would work just enough to pay for a surfing trip and split till he needed more money then he would come back to work.

Needless to say John did not have money to pay for a Skin Cancer Surgeon.

So our band Ill Repute (John is the singer) played a benefit show and raised about $5K for John's surgery.

John is fine now and wears lots of Organic Sunscreen.

Skin Cancer Moles

Skin Cancer on Nose

Skin Cancer on the Face

Skin Cancer Reconstruction

Skin Cancer Reconstructive Surgery

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