Bathing Suit Tragedy

by Christian McFarland
(Martins Ferry, Ohio, USA)

Before my trip this last summer to North Carolina I wanted to pick out one more girls bathing suits to add to my collection.

So instead of spending fifty dollars or more on a name brand suit, I decided to find one on sale at the local Wal-Mart.

The bathing suit was a very pretty strawberry red and I was so impressed that I found something so great at Wal-Mart for ten dollars!

It worked out great for the first few days I was at the beach, and whenever anyone commented on my new suit I always bragged a bit about finding it at such a discounted price.

Little did I know that after wearing it a few times in the salt water, sand, and sun that not only the beautiful color would fade but so would the strength of the seams.

While splashing around one day, I popped out of the water and the seams of the top broke. Needless to say I was very embarrassed.

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