All Natural Protection
by Vennessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)
Every day I see all these advertisements for the new and latest products to protect your skin.
It makes me wonder if we really are protecting ourselves with them or hurting our skin even worse.
With all the chemicals they put into the product I think our skin isn't' much better off by using them.
For me I will stick to the natural way of taking care of my skin. I love to use aloe vera to calm dry and
sunburn skin instead of all those alcohol based aloe vera gels in the store.
You can even get natural sun block from any store you shop at and it really isn't much more expensive if at all form the one you normally get.
Why put your skin through so much to protect it from the sun just to end up with wrinkles or allergic reactions from the chemicals in the product you use now.
Natural is always the best way to go when it comes to anything with the body for me.
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