A Bus Rider with Skin Cancer

by Jemmer Pablo
(San Jose, CA, USA)

I was sitting at the bus station one day waiting for the bus to arrive so I could go to school.

I noticed the person who was sitting next to me. She had a thickened skin on her lower lip that I could not resist to look at. She was smoking heavily too just like me.

Since she noticed me looking at her, she bloated out that she had Basal Cell Carcinoma which she further explained was a form of Skin Cancer.

She had been exposed to sunlight all the time when she used to pick apple in their farm a few years back.

Now that she had the cancer she stopped doing that and she was on her way to see the doctor in El Camino Hospital.

She also warned me because she saw me smoking as she did. Although I told her at least I didn’t get exposed to the sun so much so I guess I am safer.

Basal Skin Cancer

Canine Skin Cancer

Cat Skin Cancer

Causes of Skin Cancer

Early Signs of Skin Cancer

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Feb 04, 2009
Don't Think You're Safe from Skin Cancer
by: Anonymous

You don't say if you're fair or dark, but if you have light skin you're more at risk for skin cancer even if you don't get that much exposure.

Also bear in mind that exposure is cumulative, so over the course of years the risk builds. Finally, if you got a few severe sunburns as a child, your risk went up greatly.

But one other risk you might not have considered is that your smoking elevates your skin cancer risk. That pesky smoking is the gift that keeps on giving; it just ups the ante for everything from heart disease to all forms of cancer--and I do mean ALL forms.

You mentioned El Camino Hospital in your post. They annually have a free sun cancer screening (ususally in late summer.) If you don't have insurance coverage, watch for this event and go get screened for free.

Best wishes

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